Special Events

Military/Veterans Appreciation Day
Saturday, September 28th
50% off Admission for Active Military and Veterans.
- Spouses and dependents included.
- Tickets must be purchased at the gate to receive this discount.
- ID must be presented at time of purchase.

Homeschool Day
Thursday, October 10th, 9:00am - 3:00pm ONLY
New this year at Gary’s Farm Fest is a day for parents and their homeschooled children, ages 5 to 12 (younger siblings welcome), who may take advantage of the school group student rates.
Price: Students $7.50 per person
Each homeschool student will receive:
- A pie pumpkin
- Hayrack rides will be available from 10:00am - 12:00pm
- An Apple Cider Slush may be purchased for an additional $1.25.
**Be prepared to show your email confirmation from the Kansas State Board of Education that you have registered your homeschool. If you do not have your email you can request a copy of your registration HERE
You can also contact them at by phone or email
**No additional food locations are open on the farm so you may bring your own sack lunch.**

Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Saturday, October 12th
Officers along with 4 additional family members will receive 50% off of admissions. Tickets must be purchased at the gate to receive
this discount. ID must be presented at the time of purchase.

Don't miss your opportunity to harvest memories at Gary's Farm Fest!