Fundraising Opportunities
Supporting nonprofit groups within our community is very important at Gary’s Farm Fest.
Supporting nonprofit groups within our community is very important at Gary’s Farm Fest. In exchange for your group’s work as volunteers, Gary’s Farm Fest donates funds to your non-profit group.
On peak weekends we find it necessary to have more staff on hand. We use the peak weekends to offer volunteer opportunities for non-profits. It is a win/win situation. Extra hands on deck from volunteers make all the difference to our guests and our employees. Volunteers will be assigned to locations with at least one other person from their group.
A few examples of the type of work you may be asked to do as a volunteer could be, serve drinks, stock shelves, bag kettle corn or wash dishes.
Volunteering is an excellent opportunity for sports teams, youth groups, post prom or other groups needing to do fundraising!
